Friday, September 08, 2006

Why never to play cards with your family

This is the reason. Some of you who have read the blog in past weeks know that I created an account at Party Poker for the sole reason to play cards with my cousin. Well the last two night we played at a table on Party Poker together. The first night he absolutely kicked ass and ran $200 up to $1000 on a 1/2 table. That night I still won as well, so all was good.

Last night we did it again. Now keep in mind I would not "softplay" my cousin. For those of you who do not know what "softplaying" is, it is the act of checking down your hands when your buddy is in the pot. Only twice in my life have I ever played differently because I was up against a buddy at a table, and both times they were in a live casino. Both times I just reraised the guy all-in when I flopped a set to let him know that he should not screw around with me and he should fold immediately. Fortunately both times they folded. Now normally I would have slowplayed both hands and probably won a ton more, but I just could not do that to my buddies at that time.

So back to the story. I am doing well so far as I am up to $300 on this 1/2 table. My cousin is not doing as well and he is down to about $125 on this table. We both bought in for the max of $200. So I get dealt KK in MP and there is one limper before my cousin, who is aggressive, bumps it to $11. I reraise him to $31 and everyone else but him folds. The flop comes out Q35 rainbow and he bets out $25. I reraise him allin and he calls. He fips over 35o for two pair, and I do not get a K or the board to pair (other than the 3 or 5 obviously). He starts laughing that he "got me", and I am upset, but that is poker.

Overall I finish the cash game down $11 for the night. I also played two tourneys, but I suffered from KK vs AA disease and we eliminated in both about 3/4 of the way through. Just cooler hands really. Oh well. Overall the bankroll dipped $32. I will take that. The bankroll sits at $19,343. I will get alot of play over the next week plus as I am having a minor surgical procedure on Monday that will put be on the couch for most of next week. Couch=poker for me, so I will be on often.

Best of luck to everyone. Take care.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes, you're playing with fire. Even though you're not colluding, their software (or someone reporting it) may think otherwise. Careful there...

At 11:53 AM, Blogger billinga said...

Why would they think we are colluding? We live in different states, so we are not on the same IP address. If they examine our play they will see us going after each other all the time. I play cash games with my buddies all the time and other than cursing at each other via messenger there is no communication.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger billinga said...

What is funny is the fact that your scenario was suggested to me afterwards. On one of my hands I had 77 with a maniac, a calling station, and my buddy in the pot. The pot at that time is about $50. The flop comes out AQ7 rainbow. The calling station and the maniac both check, and my buddy bets out $40. I decide let me send a strong message so I make it $300 to go. Of course everyone folds. Normally I would have just called and let the other guy hand himself. Oh well.

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One all in raise?
Collusion - lmao - that could not be considered collusion.
Bill, anybody that reads your blog or on the forum would not insult you with such a comment.
Next week I would like to hear how you still like pokerability, thanks

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading that original comment, it seems pretty obvious that they don't think you are colluding, but others may mistake it as such.


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