Results from 8/17
I have honestly never been more happy about a losing day. I played the $30 MTT on Stars and we had 715 people enter, 63 get paid. I finished 128th despite never really having any good cards. I was eliminated when I pushed from late position (one off the button) with KdJd and was called by 66. I could not win the race and out I go. In my cash game I lost a whopping $7 despite all this happening to me....
Twice I flopped middle set only to lose to someone who flopped top set
Twice I turned trips only to lose to someone who had a boat
Once I had AK on a flop of K85 only to lose to someone who had KK
I was a set magnet. Yet I did not go on tilt, and I was able to minimize my losses. Overall a good day even though the bankroll dipped to 20.6k
Here is a question I answered on the bluff magazine forum. I thought I would share it here as well...
IamAfter5 wrote:
Ok ive been playing pretty good poker for about 2 years now , so ive thought, and it seems since I have gotten better the more I lose!!!!!!!!! Ive learned a lot of great moves etiquette and strategy however it seems the "better" my play is the more I lose!!! I make great decisions , I make the proper bet however in sng's i tend to either win the sng or lose quickly !! whats going on ?? Maybe I shouldnt be playing small sng HELP!!!!! FYI im playing great at my weekley home ring game but not good on the internet...
Ok this is about as vague a post as you can get, but I will give it a shot anyway. Many of us who have studied the game, practiced a ton both live and online, and eat, breathe, and sleep poker have gotten too good for our bankroll. What do I mean by that? We try and make "squeeze plays" and other advanced moves in a $10 SNG/MTT or a .25/.50 NL game and then we get upset when the donkey does not recognize it and calls with bottom pair and wins. So should we move up to the $25/$50 NL table and play $500 MTT where the people are theoritically more poker savvy? Hell no, unless you have the six figure bankroll that is required. What you should do is go back to playing ABC poker. Add some suited connectors and small pairs to the equation. When you get a hand, make sure you bet because they will pay you off. DONT SLOWPLAY. If you go back to the basics I am sure you will be fine. Best of luck at the tables.
You may find yourself in the same situation. I hope the tip helps. Good luck at the tables.
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