Thursday, August 17, 2006

Results from 8/16

Well I posted my 2nd consecutive winning day!!!!! Normally I would not be this excited, but you all know how it has been running for me lately. I played in a $30 MTT on pokerstars and finished 45th out of 660 people to win $70. My final hand the blinds were 600/1200 and we had one person raise to 3600 and I am sitting with 1010 on the button. I knew he had AK and so I pushed allin for $5300 knowing that he would call. He did and of course he had AK. Unfortunately a K comes out on the flop and I am eliminated. If I win that pot I have over 14k in chips and I would have had another orbit or two before I was in trouble again.

In the cash game I won over $400, which put the profit for the day at $497, bringing the bankroll up to $20,684. Still a long way to go, but at least we are moving in the right direction again.

Tonight I will be back at it. Good luck at the tables!!!!!


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Gregory Damien said...

the "1010" cofused me.

I tought you were short stacked at $1010. Then the rest didn't make sense.

Nice try, Go Bill.


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