How I built to 5k
Some people have asked how did I build my bankroll from nothing to 5k. Well early on I won $10 in a freeroll at BET365 to get myself started. I then played fixed limit poker .05/.10 at Bet365 + Freerolls until I built my bankroll to $150. From there I tried NL poker again at the .05/.10 level I kept playing there until I had 30 max buyins at the next level. If I ever dropped to 20 max buyins I would move down a level (fortunately that only happened twice). For those of you that need more coaching and advice let me suggest clicking on the link for The pros at that site can give you some great tips on how to get started.
I would never play SNGs at all. It is not that I don't believe they are profitable, it is just I never liked to play them. When my bankroll grew to $500+ then I started to play $5 MTT in addition to my ring games, but I would only play one or two a day. As the bankroll grew, I started to play more MTT. My profit for the year in MTT is $2572.45.
Some people would say that I am too conservative with my bankroll. I believe that is one of the keys to being a successful poker player. I am by no means an expert, but I believe there are 4 major keys to being a successful poker player.
1) Patience
2) Insightful when it comes to people - being able to read why someone is acting the way they are acting.
3) Even tempered - being able to avoid going on tilt
2) Fiscally responsible - exhibiting good bankroll management
If you have those four qualities you can become a successful poker player. You will still need knowledge and game experience, but those can be gained over time. Anyway soon I will post how I plan on starting this race. Until then good luck to all of you.
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